Proof: Repugs are all about tearing down the economy
Why are Republicans blocking an estimated $1,000 tax break for 150 million Americans? Why? Because they know it will help the economy and they're hellbent on making sure the U.S. economy fails while Barack Obama is in office. They care more about their hate-filled politics than they do our country and that's been proven time and again over the last 2 1/2 years.(AP) WASHINGTON — News flash: Congressional Republicans want to raise your taxes. Impossible, right? GOP lawmakers are so virulently anti-tax, surely they will fight to prevent a payroll tax increase on virtually every wage-earner starting Jan. 1, right?
ApparentlyObviously not.
If you're a Republican and you're out of work or working a job that pays you a fraction of what you were earning prior to the Bush Great Recession; you deserve what you got. But the rest of us don't.