Saturday, August 27, 2011

Our Secret-Muslim President and his Cronies Sure Kick A Lot of al-Qaeda Ass
Al Qaeda’s No. 2 Killed in Pakistan
WASHINGTON — A drone operated by the Central Intelligence Agency killed al Qaeda’s second-ranking figure in the mountains of Pakistan earlier this month, American and Pakistani officials said on Saturday, further damaging a terror network that appears significantly weakened since the death of Osama bin Laden in May.

An American official said that a drone strike on Aug. 22 killed Atiyah Abd al-Rahman, a Libyan who in the last year had taken over as al Qaeda’s top operational planner. Mr. Rahman was in frequent contact with Bin Laden in the months before the terror leader was killed on May 2 by a team of Navy Seals, intelligence officials have said.
We should have been doing this in 2002-2003.