Wednesday, August 24, 2011

An O'Reilly beatdown is always nice
"O’Reilly went on to argue that raising taxes on the rich would make the recession worse.

“That isn’t true,” Stein said. “There is no correlation, Mr. O’Reilly, between taxes rates on millionaires and people above that level, billionaires, and the growth of the economy… Higher taxes have historically correlated with more growth.”
Poor O'Reilly. He should have read 'done that' and he wouldn't have embarrassed himself. As the nauseating Ben Stein schooled him on, the historical record shows the exact opposite of what the trickle-downers preach.  Higher taxes lead to higher job and economic growth.   Lower taxes lead to slower job and economic growth. The Bush years certainly proved that.  Just as the 22 million jobs created in Bill Clinton's eight years did.