Thursday, August 11, 2011

No, sorry Pete, those rules changed

Partisan Blowhard Demands Investigation of White House
"...Rep. Peter King (R-NY) has extrapolated a nefarious collusion between Hollywood and the White House on the film. Today he sent a letter to the Defense Department and the CIA demanding an investigation into whether the administration leaked classified information.

“The Administration’s first duty in declassifying material is to provide full reporting to Congress and the American people, in an effort to build public trust through transparency of government,” King said."
Sorry Peter, those rules on the President, Vice-President and their staffs' handling of classified information changed back last decade.  They're exempt from those laws and it's the President who decides what's classified.  You remember that, right? And I'm sure you didn't say anything when Bush outed a covert CIA agent so you really need to shut the fuck up now.