Wednesday, July 27, 2011

They're laughing at Pigboy
It's "simple to fix" the debt issue. It's called the balanced budget amendment"

If Limbaugh, the drug-addicted "Pedophile Pigboy" wouldn't have had his head so far up George W. Bush's ass when he was crippling our nation's economy by adding over $6 trillion to that debt and leaving us with his $1.2 trillion deficit, he might have some credibility on the issue. But since he never said a single word the entire eight years that Bush and the Republicans in Congress destroyed our economy - just like all teabaggers - he has zero credibility and in fact, he's a laughing stock that only lowlife dittoheads and teabaggers aren't laughing at.

Find a single statement where Pigboy said anything about Bush's deficits and debt.  He and all of the phony-conservatives have no credibility on balancing budgets since they can't name a single Republican that they voted for who has ever balanced one.  Not a single one...