Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Your typical wingnut hypocrite
On Anthony Weiner:  “I don’t condone his activity. And I think he should resign.”

On Mark Sanford and John Ensign:  " Look, I mean, is anyone happy to see all that have happened? No. I mean, it’s not good. But listen. We have our thoughts with their families and they themselves. ...And we ought to be talking about how to go about creating jobs again."

And let's not forget David Vitter.  A man who hired prostitutes to spank him while he wore a diaper and who was given a standing ovation by a bunch of phony fucking 'Christian?' Republicans.   Please.  Just like the economy, when it comes to morality, Republicans have absolutely no credibility whatsoever.   Their Party, their constituents - the entire base, are nothing but a bunch of closeted perverts and lying hypocrites.