Sunday, June 26, 2011

She is 'done that's original liar

"The CBO, the Congressional Budget Office, has said that 'Obamacare' will kill 800,000 jobs..." 

People who follow along are not surprised that Michele Bachmann is a compulsive liar. World-renown since her first month in office for winning done that's first Limbaugh Award for Liars -  she once again told her whopper about 'Obamacare killing 800,000 jobs' this morning on Face the Nation. 

That's not what the CBO wrote and she knows it.   But she also knows that 99% of her backers are Teabaggers and other America-haters who are either too stupid to know better or too hateful to care, so she keeps saying it.  The '800,000 jobs' aren't 'killed'.   Those are jobs that are voluntarily given up by "low-income and older Americans who work solely to provide health insurance for their families..."    Now, that's a big difference.  Even a teabagger can't deny that.

And to most sensible people, what would that actually equate to?   Times up.  What that tells a thinking person is that Obamacare not only does not 'kill 800,000 jobs', it will actually create 800,000 new jobs for the people who replace those who leave the jobs they only had to pay their health insurance.

Michele Bachmann is a pathetic, teabagging liar.  But shamefully, she knows it doesn't matter.