Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Where are Bush and Cheney?
"Bush's stolen $6.6bn aid to Iraq..."

WASHINGTON: As much as $6.6 billion flown by the Bush administration to postwar Iraq may have been stolen when it got there in "the largest theft of funds in national history," investigators auditing the cash have revealed.

In 2004, the US sent 2.4 billion dollars to Iraq in a giant C-130 Hercules cargo plane, followed by 20 other flights full of cash.
Seriously, are Bush and Cheney and all of their Republican accomplices going to have to answer to any of their crimes? What a bunch of bullshit. Those despicable bastards should all be in prison and all of their wingnut supporters should hang their heads in shame but instead, they stand there looking stupid, saying nothing.

So. Fucking. Typical.