Saturday, June 18, 2011

Rick Perry's Texas
We are constantly told how great the economy is in Texas but truth of the matter; it's Texans who are telling us that and Texans are full of shit.

Who has a lower unemployment rate, New York or Texas?  No, you're wrong, New York has lower unemployment than Texas.   Which state not only leads the nation in jobs 'at or below minimum wage', but have over twice as many as the state in second place?  You guessed it, Texas.  Minimum wage jobs have increased 150% in Texas since the start of the George W. Bush Great Recession. The national median hourly wage is $12.50 -  Texans' average is $11.20.  Which state received the most money from the 'stimulus' but still has the largest ($27 billion!) budget deficit?  Once again you're wrong, it's Texas

I've known for 37 years that Texas sucks.  After George W. Bush's reign of terror on our country you would think everyone would know that but most people in this country are way too stupid to figure that out.  Those of us who do know, will keep reminding you.