Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Lying, Freeloading Hypocrite
The Teabagging 'Welfare Queen', Michele Bachmann, who strongly advocates 'smaller government' and 'free market principles', and who along with every single Republican in the House wants to cut subsidies for infants and Medicare for seniors, receives over $25,000 a year from the U.S. government in welfare.  

She flat out lied last Sunday on Fox News Sunday when she said she doesn't receive government handouts. On her Congressional financial disclosure forms she admits she received up to "$105,000 in income from the farm, at minimum, between 2006 and 2009".

Don't you wish you could get an extra $25,000 cash from the government every year?  And this is the Teabaggers' candidate?  But they're sheep so what do you expect?

Addendum: The Teabagging Welfare Queen and her husband also squeezed out $137,000 in Medicaid funds over and above their $25,000 annual welfare payments. What a country. How easy it is to lead a bunch of pathetic sheep around by their noses spouting your less government rhetoric and still suck at trough of taxpayers.