Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Don't spit and tell me it's raining

Leaving Afghanistan
So Obama is going to tell us how many of the troops he stupidly sent to Afghanistan are going to pullout by December 2012?   He might withdraw 30,000 of the 100,000 over the next 18 months?   Fuck that.  How about withdrawing 30,000 by July 31, and another 60,000 by December 31, 2011?   That would leave 10,000 - 5,000 Special Forces and 5,000 support troops - to stick around and kill what's left of al-Qaeda.

Do you remember how many troops it took to drive the Taliban out of power after 9/11?  Less than 1,000.  What the hell are we doing with one-hundred times that?   We shouldn't be there refereeing their 2,000 year old problems.  Who gives a fuck?  Really?

Obama made a huge, historical error when he bowed to Petraeus, congressional Republicans and millions of pathetic, chickenhawk wingnuts, and gave in to and went along with the 'surge' in Afghanistan.

I will give Obama a lot of credit for doing what Bush refused to do; he didn't kiss Pakistan's ass and he tracked Osama bin Laden's miserable ass down and dumped it into the Black Sea.   Hey, 'mission accomplished'.   But, he still needs to get us out of that shit hole and taking several years to do it just isn't good enough.  Not even close...