Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It ain't 'Mediscare' if it's a fact

Ryan Whines
Nothing brings me more joy than hearing the phony-conservative, crybaby wingnuts whine when things don't go their way. 

Do you know what my favorite part of "RyanCare" is?   It's the part where he wants to give seniors a $7,000 voucher 'premium support' to pay for health insurance that will surely cost $15,000-20,000 by then while at the same time he wants to reduce the top tax rate for individuals and corporations to 25%.  'Mediscare'?  Come on, it's so fucking obvious!

Do you really believe the 'Koch Party' - a party led by America-hating sleazebags like, Karl Rove, Dick Armey, Paul Ryan, Eric Cantor and Mitch McConnell - really give a fuck about middle class seniors?   If you do, you need to stop watching Dancing with the Stars and buy yourself a fucking clue.

Medicare might does need help, but the absolute last people who should be called on to help, are Republicans.  They've fucked up enough already.  Those aren't 'scare tactics', those are facts!