Monday, March 21, 2011

That lying hillbilly!

After Barbour's Remarks, Dems Worry Obama May End Up Alone On Afghanistan
WASHINGTON -- Recent skepticism from several potential Republican presidential candidates over the state of affairs in Afghanistan has raised what is, for some progressives, an uncomfortable and alarming question: whether President Barack Obama could be the only one on the 2012 presidential ballot still supporting the war.
First of all, who cares what the 'Republican presidential candidates' have to say about Afghanistan?  And does Haley Barbour really think any more than maybe 10% of the country would vote for some obnoxious hillbilly from Mississippi?

Now these slimeball Republicans like that banjo playing hillbilly want to criticize Obama's Afghanistan policy and act as if they didn't push for an increased presence there?  Oh really, here's what Barbour said in November 2009 about what Obama should do in Afghanistan;
"And I will tell you now, for myself and I think a lot of Republicans, if the President will stand up, make the tough decision to send more troops, Republicans like me will stand up and say the President's doing the right thing. He doesn't have to worry about Republicans trying to politic this.  If he stands up and does the right thing that the military's asked for, we will say good for you, Mr. President."
Fuck all of you teabagging wingnut lying revisionists when it comes to Afghanistan. That Afghan policy belongs to you and your boy Petraeus. You begged for it, you bought it, you own it.