Friday, February 11, 2011

Wow, no wonder

What kind of person watches the Glenn Beck Show?  I obviously don't watch it but realizing he would have a major meltdown tonight because of the good news out of Egypt; I am watching it right now.

Damn.  Now I don't pretend to be able to say what's going to happen in Egypt when this all shakes out but I do know one thing, when I flip the channel over to MSNBC and CNN all I see are American reporters being cheered and back-slapped like the Egyptians are a bunch of Cheeseheads after the Super Bowl.

I turn it back to Beck and Fox, and it's a 'caliphate', they're all 'communists and Islamists' who hate America.  It's no wonder why these Fox sheep are such paranoid haters.

Addendum:  Eric Boehlert says it a lot better.