Friday, January 14, 2011

Where were these whiny-ass Chickenhawks 8 years ago?

'Conservatives growing weary of Afghan war'
Sixty-six percent of conservatives (sic) said the US should diminish its military presence in Afghanistan...a large majority of them were concerned about its high costs, and over half believed troop levels could be reduced without compromising US security.
Aren't these the same Chickenhawk 'conservative' punks who stood silent as George W. Bush wasted a couple trillion in Iraq and whined like babies and demanded that Obama send another 70,000 troops to Afghanistan?

Obama should not be listening to 'conservatives' when it comes to foreign policy. They have absolutely no credibility left on the subject.

And for them to suddenly now be concerned about 'high costs' and high 'troop levels' is beyond pathetic. Where were they when the country really needed them?