Saturday, January 22, 2011

That'd be a good reality show

'Palin to be prosecuted for inciting violence if she visits Australia...'

Somebody do something!
"...Companies are sitting on $1.93 trillion in cash and liquid assets, the highest level since 1959, the Wall Street Journal reports.   With high unemployment and families still limiting their spending, corporate America is backing away from expansion."
I've continued to do my part; I spend. Fortunately, I'm able to spend. Demand is going to drive growth, not the other way around. But 15% or so of our population won't have anything to spend until companies start expanding.

"#8" - General Motors, $33.4 billion in cash on hand." ??
- Hey, shit or get off the pot!

It's getting tough out there
HONOLULU — A circuit court jury found the woman who beat a peacock to death not guilty of animal cruelty late Friday afternoon.   In court Thursday, 70-year-old Sandra Maloney admitted she beat the bird to death outside of her condo in Makaha in May of 2009, saying she "just lost it" and had plans to eat it.