Sunday, January 09, 2011

Wasn't he crazy six weeks ago?
According to law enforcement sources, the gun used in the shooting was purchased legally on Nov. 30 at Sportman's Warehouse, 3945 W. Cosco Dr. in Tucson.

Come on Quitter, give us a tweet

"Comedian Frank Conniff tweeted: "Hey, Sarah Palin, hows that hatey, killy, reloady, crosshairsy thing working out for ya?"

Sure, maps have crosshairs on them

"We never ever, ever intended it to be gun sights," she said. "It was simply cross-hairs like you'd see on maps."

It takes 31 rounds to save the old lady
Weapon in rampage was banned under Clinton-era law

The high-capacity magazine of the semiautomatic pistol used in the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and more than a dozen other people on Saturday would have been illegal to manufacture and difficult to purchase under the Clinton-era assault weapons ban, which expired in 2004.

...Under the assault weapons ban, it was illegal to manufacture or sell new high-capacity magazines, defined as those that hold more than 10 rounds. The magazines used by Loughner had 31 rounds each, according to police.

And you can live through that?
(Dr.) Lemole said a single bullet traversed the left side of her skull, entering from back and exiting the front. Doctors removed damaged bits of skull and expanded the area further to relieve brain swelling, which remains the biggest medical concern, Lemole and other surgeons said.

Words of wisdom from a 'Trucker'?
"While many will see sure signs that Loughner was a Liberal or a Tea Party conservative in his prior rants, actions or contacts, its more likely that he is a paranoid schizophrenic whose mind is incapable of forming a coherent political viewpoint."
  CityTrucker at 8:36 AM January 09, 2011

That topic, the 'gold standard'

"But then what’s left to restart the country? We have to have something to back our currency. Well, what about gold? ... So, we have to have money and we have to base it on something. Let’s go back to the people who taught us in the last century what we do when there’s an out-of-control money supply: the Weimar Republic in Germany. What did they do? ..."

'Those Second Amendment Remedies'

"...You know, if this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies and saying my goodness what can we do to turn this country around?

‘I can't trust the current government’