Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Sheep keep giving and the Quitter keeps raking

Palin PAC ripping off donors
JUNEAU, Alaska — Former half-term and current quitter Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin raised more than $1.2 million for her political action committee during the last quarter, giving $93,500 to conservative candidates and causes... Her fundraising exceeds that from the previous reporting period, which covered April through June. Then, Palin reported raising about $865,800 and giving at least $87,500 to candidates.
It's no wonder why she quit.  Not bad for six months work.   If you could convince a bunch of weak and uneducated fools to give you $2 million so you could pass along $180,000 - less than 9% - and then live a life of luxury off the rest, wouldn't you do it?  

"I have no office. It's Todd and me..."