Sunday, October 31, 2010

The factual ignorant who revise history
"Some of the issues Obama has said he wants to pursue next year, such as deficit reduction and education initiatives, resemble the kinds of narrow and achievable priorities Clinton embraced immediately after both houses changed hands in 1994."
Deficit reduction after 1994? That's a lie, or at least somebody who is totally ignorant of the facts. Bill Clinton and the Democrats balanced the budget - four years in a row! - without a single Republican vote and the year was 1993!

And another thing that is often lied about by the ignorant and the lying revisionists; Clinton was forced by Republicans to reform welfare.  Here is a line from Bill Clinton's acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention on July 16, 1992.
"An America where we end welfare as we know it. We will say to those on welfare: You will have, and you deserve, the opportunity, through training and education, through child care and medical coverage, to liberate yourself. But then, when you can, you must work, because welfare should be a second chance, not a way of life."
We are a nation dominated by stupid people with dangerously short memories; but fortunately for you, I'm not one of them.   Keep reading this blog and you will continue to learn and be well informed of the facts and not look stupid by being swayed by the lying revisionists.

We don't need the hate-filled Republicans to succeed in this country.  In fact, history has proven time and time again that we do much better without them.

I admit, I'm with Bill

Bill Maher Afraid Mohammeds, Islam Taking Over Western World

I don't like religious extremists and Islam is by far the worst.  Quite frankly, Muslims are the enemy of civilization.

And they wonder why they're so stupid

Breaking on Fox: Pelosi in danger of losing her "Senate" seat