Friday, September 24, 2010

Taxed Enough Already?

In 2007 (the last year the IRS has published data for)  the 400 derived two thirds of their average adjusted gross income of $345 million from capital gains and paid an average effective rate of just 16.6%. Taxpayers earning $1 million to $5 million, who get more of their income from salary and other “ordinary” income taxed at a top 35% rate, paid an effective tax rate of 24%.
Poor bastards. As Warren Buffett graciously points out, he pays a smaller percentage of tax on his income than his secretary does. 

And then, we have the idiot teabaggers -- who are mostly lower middle class, unemployed or under-employed and uneducated sheep who are being ignorantly led around by their noses by grossly overpaid, uneducated, social deviant millionaire America-haters and financed by billionaires -- whining that taxes are too high.  What  a bunch of dumbasses...