Friday, September 10, 2010

The truth is always good news
Blackwater’s Prince targets Dems for defeat

"The owner of Xe Services, the company formerly known as Blackwater, is writing a book that will allege officials in the Clinton and Obama administrations "approved of his most sensitive and controversial operations," says a report in the Washington Post."
What's the point? It's common knowledge and the historical record that Bill Clinton tried to kill Osama bin Laden at least three times and Barack Obama bombed and killed more al-Qaeda in his first few months in office than the previous idiot did in almost eight years.

Prince confirming the facts won't be a problem for Bill Clinton or Barack Obama, or any other Democrat for that matter. In fact, it should help. They didn't ignore the warnings. And they didn't lie the country into a $3 trillion boondoggle that didn't have anything to do with the terrorists that attacked us. Should be a good read.