Sunday, September 26, 2010

Now for something a little different

I'm working on the 'new' me ...mellowing out a little

I often get a little too wound up with politics. Most of you undoubtedly wouldn't agree with that, I know.

But, toinght I'd like to change the subject to something more amicable, more gentlemanly, and something that I like a lot, but am not very good at; golf

Yesterday I linked a piece from Think Progress about John Raese - you remember ...the GOP nominee for Senator from West Virginia who,  "made his money the old-fashioned way - he inherited it"?  John Boy inherited  Greer Industries, which was founded by his grandmother at the turn of the 20th century, during the good old days when "capitalism was the way it should be" and you could hire 10 year olds to work in your mines for a $1 a day.

Oh, but that's right, I was going to write about golf.

Ok, so when I was searching around the internets for Raese's business dealings I learned that he designed and developed a golf course.   And it's not just your typical West Virginia 'Deliverance' golf course, it's Pikewood National Golf Club and it was Golf Digest's 2009 'Best New Private Course in America'.

If you like golf and great scenery, check out the 'take the tour' video at the Pikewood National website. It's 9 1/2 minutes of stunning video featuring Tommy Armour III and Bob Friend, a former pro and now 'golf director' at Pikewood, playing the course.

Be sure to notice Friend's golf swing on his last three shots.  If I could only be that slow and smooth.  I'd score much lower - which would make me a lot mellower.