Friday, June 25, 2010

Are you fucking kidding me?

I just heard Chris Matthews ask Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), ''What's the difference between Obama's Afghanistan policy and Bush's''? Nadler said, 'none'.

Are people really that damn stupid and misinformed?

Do you realize George W. Bush had less than 1,500 troops in Afghanistan for most of the first year after we invaded that shit hole? And I know most of you idiots have forgotten that that's where those who planned 9/11 came from but that's how 'dedicated' the Bush administration was on fighting the real war on terror.

Did you know that five years after invading Afghanistan we had 20,000 troops there and that when Obama took office we barely had over 30,000 troops there? And do you realize that we have 100,000 there now? I know Fox and Limpdick don't tell you those facts so it's a real possibility you're fucking clueless about that, too.

How about killing al-Qaeda? You do remember them, right? Barack Obama's 'Afghanistan policy' has killed more al-Qaeda in 17 months than Bush did in his miserable 7 1/2 years of pretending to fight the 'war on terror'.

It's bad enough that wingnuts are either too stupid to know better or too intellectually dishonest to admit the truth. But when people like Matthews and Nadler are out there spouting complete nonsense about the obvious difference between Obama and Bush on Afghanistan, it's no fucking wonder why we are a nation of pathetically uninformed fools.