Thursday, May 06, 2010

Let me ask you something

Did Major Hasan become a major in the Army in a record setting 10 months, or did he join the Army during the Reagan administration?

Did the policy of people having to take their shoes off at airports begin just 16 months ago?

Do you think it would be proper for the CIA to overthrow an elected Prime Minister of a country so that British Petroleum - yes, that 'BP' - could steal that country's oil?

Why are wingnuts so upset that we caught Faisal Shahzad? Don't you think it's unpatriotic to root against your own country?

Do you remember Ann Coulter or any of the other Bush butt-lickers like Pigboy Limbaugh whining about George Bush doing nothing when Iran re-started their nuclear weapons program during his reign?

Why are these phony conservative, America-hating, teabagging cocksuckers such hateful hypocrites?