Thursday, April 22, 2010

"Good news for Detroit (bad news for Fox)"

Having bet against America (what would Reagan say?), and specifically the U.S. economy (i.e. Obama's destroying America!), Fox News continues to be battered with good news reports.
Let the whining continue from all of the America-haters - or as Bill Clinton calls them, 'the Hatriots' - who are literally praying that the Bush Recession continue and the economic recovery holds off until November.

Man, I bet Pigboy is hitting the OxyContin hard these days with all this great news about General Motors. After all, 'Government Motors' was one hell of an investment by the Obama administration and, "since GM exited bankruptcy in early July 2009, the industry has added 45,000 jobs", it's certainly not very difficult to figure out who was right; Obama or the 'Hatriots'? Their prayers were unanswered. Go Detroit!