Last year the U.S. Energy Information Agency estimated that reversing the former Bush Administration's decision to expand offshore drilling — policies similar to those proposed by Obama — would increase oil prices by $0.11 per barrel in 2020, and $1.33 a barrel in 2030. Those increases would raise gas prices by less than a tenth of a penny in 2020 and just three cents a gallon by 2030.We've been through this debate many times before and Barack Obama knows damn well drilling offshore won't do squat for gas prices. He has to be nice to everyone. Regardless of how gullible they are.
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'Commonsense conservative principles' alright
Sarah Palin has long sold herself as a fiscal conservative, arguing against the Democrats' health overhaul on the grounds that the nation simply can't afford it.Damn, she is like Ronald Reagan!
But when the former vice presidential candidate resigned as governor of Alaska in the summer of 2009, she left the state with a 70 percent debt-to-GDP ratio -- the highest state debt burden in the United States.