Bart Stupak's ridiculous red-herring

The great state of Michigan has 83 counties, over 10 million people and 15 U.S. Representatives. Bart Stupak's district, the 1st District, makes up 32 of the 83 counties and includes the entire Upper Peninsula and a large chunk of the northern tip of the Lower Peninsula. There are approximately 660,000 people in Michigan's 1st District.
And there is not one abortion provider? What is Stupak all wound up about? The people of the UP and that area of the Lower Peninsula are generally dirt poor and a substantial number of them are on some kind of government assistance. Health care insurance reform would be the best thing that's happened to 90% of his constituents in their lifetimes and he's whining about something that doesn't even occur in his huge district.
Get off the stage Bart. Your 15 minutes was up long ago and your constituents deserve better representation.