Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The CBO is always very timely
"In its annual report, the nonpartisan CBO pegged the 2010 U.S. budget deficit at $1.35 trillion, a slight decrease from the $1.4 trillion 2009 deficit that set a post-World War II record."
Here it is only January 26th and the Congressional Budget Office is already predicting what the 2010 budget deficit will be. This fiscal year ends September 30, 2010.

Let's pretend for a minute that instead of a year and six days it's only six days after Barack Obama took office and this CBO report came out. Could you blame Barack Obama for the $1.35 trillion deficit projected for the period ending September 30, 2010? Of course you couldn't. Well, you could, but that would just prove that you're a pitiful, lying wingnut idiot. How could Obama be responsible for something he wasn't involved in and it's being predicted on his sixth day in office? Or what if it happened two weeks before he took office?

Because that's exactly what happened last year when two weeks before Barack Obama took office, on January 7, 2009, the CBO released that very same report predicting that the 2009 deficit - which ended September 30, 2009 - would be $1.2 trillion.

Thank you very much. George W. Bush, regardless of what lying scumbags like Karl Rove say, left us with the record FY09 trillion dollar plus budget deficit and only liars or fools say differently. The CBO backs me up on that.