Sunday, January 03, 2010

In case you're interested ...

It's now official Army history
Bush Administration Neglected the War on Terror
...According to the official history, as early as late 2003, the Army historians assert, “it should have become increasingly clear to officials at Centcom and [the Department of Defense] that the coalition presence in Afghanistan did not provide enough resources” for a proper counterinsurgency campaign.

It is now part of the U.S. Army's historical record - one they will use to train on how not to conduct a war. That's the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld contribution to our nation's security. Read the historical facts and quit listening to the chickenhawk losers like Dick Cheney.

Obama's been way out in front
U.S. Leading Assaults on al Qaeda in Yemen
(CBS) Recent combined air and ground assaults against al Qaeda in Yemen last month were American-led, according to a U.S. special operations expert who trains Yemeni forces. "It was cruise missile strikes in combination with military units on the ground,” Sebastian Gorka, an instructor at the U.S. Special Operation’s Command’s Joint Special Operations University, told CBS News Correspondent Kimberly Dozier. "It was a very distinct signal from the Obama administration that they are serious in assisting Yemen to remove these al Qaeda facilities from its soil. That was very much something executed by the United States, but with heavy support by the Yemeni government," Gorka told Dozier.

Contrary to what well-documented losers like Dick Cheney, Pete Hoekstra and a few others on the right want you to believe, the Obama administration has consistently been all over al-Qaeda's asses since day one. That fact is indisputable. And I wonder if my congressman, Mike Rogers thinks Obama using cruise missiles is a "law enforcement perspective"? I unfortunately live in a district that's about 65% phony-conservative chickenhawks who continuously elect ignorant assholes like themselves.

The old 'back problem' ruse

'Is Rush Back on the Pills?'
Was Rush Limbaugh's Hawaiian hospitalization drug-related? This line from a report about his medical crisis raises a flag: "Limbaugh told emergency crews that he was having chest pains and had been taking medication for back trouble."

Hey what the hell, Ol' Limpdick likes to get high and snort Viagra. It's funny how you never hear about Pigboy's 'back problem' until the drug question comes up. He's 'not on pain-killers' - he's on 'Prednisone'. I took Prednisone for a pinched-nerve in my neck one time. A half a tablet for 10 days - I felt like both Superman and Forrest Gump for the last eight of them. When you think of how many Pigboy is scarfing down it's no wonder he thought he was having a heart attack.

Oh yeah, just forget about it
BAGHDAD (AP) -- Iraqis seeking justice for 17 people shot dead at a Baghdad intersection responded with bitterness and outrage Friday at a U.S. judge's decision to throw out a case against a Blackwater security team accused in the killings.

I'm sure Iraqis completely understand and agree that since the Blackwater guards admitted to the killings through compulsory statements that evidence cannot be used against them in an American court of law.

You'd think at the very least
"If Janet Napolitano should be fired for her role in the Christmas bombing plot, George W. Bush should have been impeached for being warned about planes flying into buildings in New York and ignoring those warnings..."

Two Thousand Ten or 2010?
How do you say "2010"? Coming off of "two thousand nine," you'll probably say "two thousand ten." In fact, 4 out of 5 YouTube videos randomly reviewed by The Chronicle have people pronouncing it that way. But you would be wrong, so wrong, according to the National Association of Good Grammar. "NAGG has decided to step in and decree that (2010) should officially be pronounced 'twenty ten,' and ...

Sons-of-bitches won't give up
COPENHAGEN - An ax-wielding Somali man with suspected Al Qaeda links was charged yesterday with two counts of attempted murder after breaking into the home of a Danish artist whose Prophet Mohammed cartoon outraged the Muslim world three years ago. The suspect, who was shot twice by a police officer responding to the scene, was rolled into a Danish court on a stretcher, his face covered. ... Efforts to protect the artist - 74-year-old Kurt Westergaard - were immediately stepped up, as he was moved to an undisclosed location.

Taking no chances!
Chicago cop tasered unconscious diabetic 11 times
Police officers from two Chicago suburbs are being sued after one of them allegedly Tasered a man having a diabetic seizure because the diabetic involuntarily hit the officer while being taken to an ambulance. Prospero Lassi, a 40-year-old employee of Southwest Airlines, filed the lawsuit with a federal court in Chicago last week, following an April 9, 2009, incident in which Lassi was taken to hospital following a violent diabetic seizure -- and being Tasered 11 times while unconscious.

Well, the guy was still twitching...