'What’s Wrong With This Picture?'

Cheney's Plan Didn't Quite Work Out
Iraq Awards Oil Contracts to Foreign Companies
Iraq awarded a contract Saturday to Russia's Lukoil and Norway's Statoil to develop its gigantic West Qurna Phase Two oil field. The two companies' joint bid said they would accept a fee of $1.15 per barrel of oil produced. The companies proposed a projected output target of 1.8 million barrels per day. Southern Iraq's West Qurna Phase Two is one of the world's biggest undeveloped oil fields and has estimated reserves of 12.9 billion barrels of oil. Iraqi officials have awarded contracts to foreign oil companies during a two-day auction aimed at dramatically raising the country's oil output. On Friday, oil giant Royal Dutch Shell and Malaysia's state-run Petronas won the rights to the second-largest oil field offered at the auction. The companies will develop the Majnoon oil field, with oil reserves estimated at 12.6 billion barrels. A joint bid by Malaysia's Petronas and Japan's Japex won a contract Saturday to develop a smaller oil field in southern Iraq. And Iraq awarded Angola's state-run Sonangol a contract for a field near Mosul Saturday after initially rejecting its bid on Friday.
Of course everyone knows by now that we didn't invade Iraq for any reason other than we had two oil men running things and they thought they would eventually get huge dividends for their oil buddies. We did the fighting and dying and the squandering of trillions of dollars but now the Russians, the Japanese, Malaysians and even the Angolans will reap the bounty from our blood and treasure. Heckuva job wingnuts!
Them lying sons-of-bitches!
'Shrinking of Greenland’s ice threatens native tribe'

Bunch of seal-eating aborigines. Haven't they heard that's all a hoax?
They can't add either

What a waste of fruit

Would have loved seeing him hit that stupid bitch!
They're not all gullible teabaggers
About six in ten Americans continue to express support for the so-called “public option” –- which the Senate appears to have sidelined for now. Views on this haven’t changed recently. As was the case last month, Democrats favor it and Republicans are opposed.
-------- Now ----- 11/2009
Favor --- 59% ----- 61%
Oppose - 29% ----- 28%
Quite the contrary - a clear majority are not.
Laughed my ass off

That $787 Billion 'Stimulus'

Does Steele think he is Tiger Woods?

Stupid, incompetent Russians

Airheads for Palin

These people are the rightwing base and the pathetic Sarah Palin supporters who look at her, the original Queen of Pork, as someone who will reduce spending.
It is astounding how stupid and uninformed people truly are.
What Was Wrong With That Picture?
Is it arrogance? Does he really hate us? No dumbass, they're playing 'Hail to the Chief'! What do you want him to do, salute himself? Talk about narcissism...