Wednesday, December 30, 2009

When it comes to the real war on terror, Obama makes Cheney look like a wimp

“[W]e are at war and when President Obama pretends we aren’t, it makes us less safe,” Cheney said in a statement to POLITICO. "Why doesn’t he want to admit we’re at war?"
When our Generals in Afghanistan begged George W. Bush and Dick Cheney for more troops to fight the real war on terror they were ignored, rejected, told no, that fighting those who had actually attacked us was not the priority and their plea sat on Cheney's desk for a year and a half while the Taliban and al-Qaeda re-gained strength. It was Bush/Cheney who made us 'less safe'.

After less than one month in office, President Obama doubled our combat troops in Afghanistan. Bush and Cheney ignored our Generals - Obama gave them what they needed and he did it in record fashion. That made us safer, not less.

Cheney can pop off all he wants. Unfortunately for him, a lot us know the facts.
“There was a saying when I got there: If you’re in Iraq and you need something, you ask for it. If you’re in Afghanistan and you need it, you figure out how to do without it.” - Gen. David D. McKiernan, Commander of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, 2008-2009