Saturday, October 10, 2009

Your Weekend Dose of Reality

"Daddy shot Mommy"
Gun-carrying soccer mom murdered by husband
LEBANON, Pa. - A soccer mom who was thrust into the national gun-rights debate after taking a loaded pistol to youth sports events was killed by her husband in a shooting witnessed online by her video chat partner, authorities said Friday. Scott Hain used his own gun to fire several shots into his 30-year-old wife, Meleanie, while her video chat was active and perhaps as she washed dishes in their kitchen, police said.

You live by it; you can very easily die by it. Looks like the gun-toting soccer-mommy should have worn her pistol at home. Oh well, more oxygen for the rest of us.

A pedophile own a NFL team?
On October 6, Rush Limbaugh released a statement confirming that he and St. Louis Blues owner Dave Checketts "have made a bid to buy the [NFL's St. Louis] Rams and are continuing the process." In response, numerous sports journalists and figures -- including contributors to ESPN, where Limbaugh was briefly employed -- have criticized the idea of Limbaugh as an owner, often noting Limbaugh's history of racially incendiary remarks.

The NFL can't be that desperate. Limbaugh, the three-time divorced drug-addicted racist pedophile is going to be allowed to own an NFL team? I thought the other owners had to approve all sales of teams? Who's Limpdick's partner going to be, Roman Polanski?

More Pathetic Hypocrites
Last night on Hannity, Newt Gingrich and his third wife, Callista, were whoring their new project, 'Rediscovering God in America II: Our Heritage'. Only 'conservatives' (sic) like the Gingrich's would have the audacity to bring up 'God' with their past history. In case you didn't know, Newt and Callista were banging each other while Newtie was still married to wife #2. And that was going on while he was insisting on the impeachment of Bill Clinton. Newt and Callista were babbling about our country being founded on the principles of the Ten Commandments and how our forefathers were these holy rollers, which is total bullshit. Our forefathers foresaw Republicans and phony-Christian conservatives like Newt Gingrich and hoped they had left most of them behind when they came to America. Unfortunately, some made it.

The Bush Recession Fallout
Secret Plan to Ditch the U.S. Dollar
Arab states have launched a secret plan with China, Russia and France to stop using the US currency for oil trading. ...Secret meetings have already been held by finance ministers and central bank governors in Russia, China, Japan and Brazil to work on the scheme, which will mean that oil will no longer be priced in dollars.

We may never recover from the George W. Bush Great Recession of 2007-2009. As bad as Reagan and Bush Sr. were, they pale compared to Junior.

Young wingnuts in training
A close-knit New Hampshire town is reeling from the grisly weekend attack on a woman and her young daughter allegedly by a band of teenage skinheads who hacked the mother to death with machetes and knives and left an 11-year-old girl severely injured and bleeding in the family's front yard. ...Police arrested four teenagers in connection with the home invasion-turned-bloodbath..."

I didn't see a single story on Fox News about these murdering little white boy wingnuts. I just did a search on Fox for the victim's name, Kim Cates, and not a single story. Too busy with the murder of the Derrion Albert I guess. Those racist bastards are so obvious.

How they become 'bestsellers'
"For a limited time only, Townhall Magazine wants to share Palin’s remarkable personal story, from her humble beginnings to her rise to national prominence—FREE! Sign up to get 12 issues of Townhall Magazine for just $34.95 and receive Going Rogue by Sarah Palin FREE."

I received that above from Townhall in an email on Friday. Giving their books away for 'free' is the only way these ignorant phony-conservatives would ever make any bestseller lists.

These idiots have no shame
"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." That famous line, attributed to Jesus in Luke 23:34, could well apply to the folks at Conservapedia -- the "conservative version" of Wikipedia -- who have embarked on a project to rewrite the Bible. In an effort to rid the Good Book of "liberal bias," the group has set up the Conservative Bible Project, which aims to rewrite the Bible from a modern, conservative perspective. ...And the line quoted above is one of the group's targets for deletion in a truly "conservative" Bible. The "forgive them father" quote "is a favorite of liberals but should not appear in a conservative Bible," Conservapedia states.

Those revisionist assholes will to have scrub Jesus' name from the Bible too since He is the original Liberal.

How true it is ...
The Sky is Falling
Obama's Approval Rating at 56%
'An Associated Press-GfK poll says 56 percent of those surveyed in the past week approve of Obama's job performance, up from 50 percent in September.'

By this time in his first term, Ronald Reagan was below 50%. And of course, he didn't take over during the worst recession since the Great Depression either. Reagan caused a recession, and gave us 10 months of double-digit unemployment a full 20 months into his first term, but wingnuts are too intellectually dishonest to admit it, or too dumb to remember.

Inhofe: a liar or brain dead?
"Well, they’re, I think they’re going to have a hard time doing reconciliation because that would be the first time on a major tax bill that that’s been done in our nation’s history."

Of course you know that stupid fucking degenerate redneck Okie is a liar because; you read 'done that'.

There are no sharks there
Many surfers who ride waves at beaches in the Santa Monica Bay will tell you they don't think about sharks. But photos that a longtime local surfer said he shot last week have created a buzz about "Jaws" in the lineup. The photos, taken Saturday morning by Randy Wright, apparently show a large white shark jumping out of the waters off Sunset Beach near Pacific Palisades.

The Real Bush Doctrine
After Allowing bin Laden to Escape in 2001 and Shifting Focus to Iraq, U.S. Now Fighting Resurgent Taliban
The fall of Kabul in 2001 was greeted with jubilation, the momentum then with the U.S. But reluctant to commit its own troops, the U.S. allowed Osama bin Laden to escape from the Tora Bora mountains... Then came what many here see as the gravest error of all: Afghans were wary as the U.S. turned its attention to invading Iraq - and they were right.

George Bush not only totally devastated our nation's economy but he was also a miserable failure in fighting the war on terror. I think Lara Logan reads 'done that'.