Oxymoron: 'Bush Recovery'
Fox News flunky tries to credit Bush for economic ‘recovery’
Bush's tax cuts returned America to "permanent deficits." An additional $2-$3 trillion spent to occupy two foreign nations dug those deficits even deeper. After the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, he encouraged not sacrifice or greater community, but shopping and "financial irresponsibility." A further hostile attitude toward economic truth -- as evidenced by the firing of officials who warned of ballooning deficits, or ousting those who predicted the high price of war in Iraq -- "made it impossible for the Administration to react intelligently to real-world economic problems."
The Great George W. Bush Recession of 2007-2009 is indeed showing signs of recovery and it has absolutely nothing to do with George Bush or the Party of No. They drove us into the ditch and they've done nothing but watch while the Obama administration pushes us out.
When ignorant of history
What Glenn Beck Doesn’t Know About His Hero Thomas Paine

A 'socialist' -- a 'Founder' for 'social security'? Wingnuts are ignorant; but they are especially ignorant when it comes to history. America's earliest rightwingnuts were "conservative elites and their followers who remained loyal to the Crown" and they were "called Loyalists or "Tories". So as usual, Glenn Beck and his pathetic flock are totally assbackwards when it comes to our nation's history. You were on the other side of men like Thomas Paine, dipshits!
Led by Wimps
Lieberman and Reid Spineless
The Party of No vs. the Party of Wimps. A majority is one more than half and that equals 51, asshole. Get rid of that spineless punk Harry Reid.
Obama didn't vet him either
Gen. McChrystal's Credibility Problem

Is there any wonder why?
With Glenn Beck being one the looney wingnut's inspirational leaders is there any wonder why they are so pathetically weak? Check out this video of the wingnut's new hero. Case closed.
The NFL owners sure do!

This week ElDrugbo's NFL dream slipped through his "formerly nicotine-stained fingers" and Pigboy found out rather quickly that all of those very conservative NFL owners do wholeheartedly believe in free enterprise and unfortunately for the drug-addicted pedophile Pigboy, the NFL is 77% Black and not 12.
Maybe if it was true

George Soros, Jewish and born August 12, 1930, was 13 years old in March 1944 when "Nazi Germany took military control over Hungary". When the Nazi's took over Hungary Soros' father "paid a Ministry of Agriculture employee to have Soros spend the summer of 1944 living with him" and he was forced to "hand out the deportation notices" to other Jews. George Soros was 14 years old when WWII ended. Hardly someone who could seriously be held accountable for being a 'Nazi collaborator'. But Ann Coulter as usual, will lie and embellish that lie by adding a couple of years to Soros's age because she knows the sheep who follow her are far too dumb and incapable of ever learning the truth on their own. It's so easy being a Faux News host and entertaining the lowest rung of our society.

When I voted to use force to go to war after 9/11, I think I and everyone else in Congress voted to go after Al Qaida. That was our enemy. And Al Qaida has now moved to a different neighborhood, in Pakistan, where, quite frankly, they're more protected. And we're told by General Jones that there are less than 100, if that, members of Al Qaida left in Afghanistan. So we're going to need to -- so we're -- we're now saying we should have 100,000 American forces to go after less than 100 members of Al Qaida in Afghanistan? I think we need to re-evaluate our policy.-Congressman Jim McGovern from Massachusetts
Obama is preparing to fold on Gen. Kumbaya's stupid, asinine and failed policy of increasing our troops in Afghanistan to win their hearts and minds and that's extremely unfortunate. We expected you to lead Obama, and not to follow the foolhardy.
Your Classic Ditto-Head

What were they before 2004?
New GOP website says party hasn’t had any accomplishments since 2004
The Republican Party launched a redesigned website Tuesday with a heavy emphasis on the social media tools that Democrat Barack Obama used so effectively to win the last presidential election. ...The Democratic National Committee was quick to pounce on the new site noting that the "Accomplishments" page on GOP.com does not list any accomplishments since 2004.
Seriously, there have been no positive accomplishments by any Republican in decades!

A new poll from Gallup reveals that Sarah Palin's approval rating has plummeted to an all-time low. According to the survey, the former vice presidential candidate maintains a 40% favorability rating, the lowest it has been since she emerged as a national political figure at last year's Republican convention.
A good sign of the lack of depth in wingnuts is they still support a woman so stupid and inept as Sarah Palin. And they're not even embarrassed by it.
We don't have a race problem
Interracial couple denied marriage license
HAMMOND, La. - A Louisiana justice of the peace said he refused to issue a marriage license to an interracial couple out of concern for any children the couple might have. Keith Bardwell, justice of the peace in Tangipahoa Parish, says it is his experience that most interracial marriages do not last long.
And 92.7% of the Republicans ask, 'What?'
Not on the green!!

Those assholes! The least they could have done was do it in the rough.
It is Breast Cancer Month
(AP) -- Women who perform the act of fellatio and swallow semen on a regular basis, one to two times a week, may reduce their risk of breast cancer by up to 40 percent, a North Carolina State University study found.
Hey Honey, look at this...