Thursday, October 08, 2009

What we went there for...
...President Barack Obama's war strategy will be on defeating al Qaeda in Pakistan...
But McChrystal still sings Kumbaya
"We're Lost... I'm Not Exactly Sure Why We're Here"

American soldiers serving in Afghanistan are depressed and deeply disillusioned, according to the chaplains of two US battalions that have spent nine months on the front line in the war against the Taliban. Many feel that they are risking their lives — and that colleagues have died — for a futile mission and an Afghan population that does nothing to help them, the chaplains told The Times...
Sure, and let's add another 40,000 targets.

This is what happens when you have a populace of sheep who didn't have the foresight or the guts to stand up to the previous administration when they completely ignored the only fight we should have fought.

We didn't go there in the first place to make the Afghans feel good but that's what Petraeus and McChrystal think our mission is. They need to be replaced.