Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Great Bush Recession of 2007-2009 May be Over

(AP) Economic activity is stabilizing or improving in the vast majority of the country, according to a government survey released Wednesday. The findings indicate that the worst recession since the 1930s may be over.

The Federal Reserve's snapshot of economic conditions backs predictions by Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and most other analysts that the economy has started to grow once again in the current quarter.
History has always shown that it takes a little time to recover after a Republican has fucked things up. It was true with Roosevelt and Clinton and now Obama is left to clean up another disastrous eight years of Republican economic policies.

And by the way, the Dow is up 20.1% since Bush left office.

Hang on; you can't fix overnight what Republicans took eight years to destroy. Like I said earlier today, we sure could have used some of those 'tea parties' from all those ignorant sheople when they were really needed.