"If you want another terrorist attack in the U.S., abandon Afghanistan."
Some people just have no shame.
If we wanted "another terrorist attack in the U.S." we would have elected another incompetent administration like the last one that completely ignored over 40 intelligence briefings about al-Qaeda attacks before the last one here in the U.S.
If we wanted another terrorist attack Barack Obama would have appointed a National Security Advisor who was so petty and so craven that she couldn't stand the thought of someone from the previous administration warning her about the situation that had such dire consequences on the U.S..
And no one from the Bush administration, especially Condoleezza Rice, should be lecturing anyone on 'abandoning Afghanistan' since that's exactly what they did for over seven years. In fact, she and her boss are precisely why we're at where we're at now.
There's talk of Condoleezza Rice being the new 'face' of the Republican Party. We of the opposition look forward to that opportunity. She has a record and unfortunately for her, it's very well documented.