Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Hey wingnuts, how about a little consistency?

What's up with George Will suddenly wanting to leave Afghanistan? He could never get enough of our guys getting blown to bits in Baghdad. Maybe I'm mistaken. But I can't seem to find anything from Will calling for cutting and running from that farce in Iraq during any of the 4,336 American deaths there over the last 6 1/2 years.

Now don't get me wrong; I agree with Will. Actually he agrees with me. I've been very consistent on both wars. The wrong one that we shouldn't have done and the one guys like Will have completely ignored for eight years.

In December of 2006 George Will said we had a 'moral duty' in Iraq. We lost 112 Americans in Iraq in December 2006. And George Will, like 93% of the country by that time, knew without a doubt that Iraq was a needless and misguided boondoggle by then. But it was our 'moral duty'. A moral duty to fight an unnecessary war?

If you were a big cheerleader for the Iraq occupation don't be surprised if we question your motives if you now suddenly get a little squeamish on Afghanistan. Unless of course you forgot about 9/11 or you're just a partisan hack. Then we understand. We expect that from you.