Victory over Japan Day

Beck Fucked With the Wrong Lizard

Bullshit talks, but money walks when you're an erratic, moronic fool who spouts insanity and pure racial hatred. That's why Limbaugh's biggest sponsors are the Heritage Foundation and Snapple. A foundation filled with Iraq neocon losers and who in the fuck drinks Snapple? GEICO dumped ElDrugbo long ago - It's about damn time they got rid of that idiotic clown Beck, too.
You couldn't make that shit up
That Academy Award Winning NutJob is Uninsured!

Hey Loser, pay for your own damn health care!
-- Oh wait, there was an update? We have a correction here at, done that? After stating he was unemployed and without medical insurance, Mr. Gladney now states he has medical coverage under his wife's plan but will continue to accept those generous donations to help out with the being 'unemployed' part of his story.
- Watch this video and at 35 seconds in you meet Mr. Gladney. He's in the light brown shirt. Does he need that wheel chair or is he the country's new drama queen?
The definition of clueless

Rick 'ManDog' Santorum lost his Senate seat in 2006 to Wimpy Bob Casey Jr., 60%-40%. When you look at Rick Santorum you can tell, there's nobody home...

The Timothy McVeigh Wannabe's
The thought of a Black President too hard to take

I say we don't wait this time. We know it's happening. Track these Nazi-lovin' punks down and take them out! Certainly no loss to society and it saves the innocent.
It's good they didn't take those lions ..

Isn't that the Jon & Kate +8 guy?

Don't call that Bitch a lying hypocrite!
Palin was for killing Grandma before she was against it

Wow. That was only 16 months ago. She's either very, very dumb or she's a pathological liar. Or maybe both.

Uh oh, Harry joined a reeducation camp

It’s every mother’s worst nightmare: Your child willingly volunteers to work for a shady outfit you suspect of brain-washing — possibly in a bad neighborhood to boot. But this morning the world knows that’s the agony faced by U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, whose son Harrison is a Teach for America volunteer.
Poor Looney Michele. We here at 'done that' have a very special place in our hearts for Congresswoman Bachmann; she was the very first Limbaugh Award winner. And she's gotten even goofier over the many years. Seems the Congresswoman was bad-mouthing Americorp a few months back - even going so far to clarify, "As a parent, I would have a very, very difficult time seeing my children do this [join Americorp].” Yeah well, you guessed it.
Good for Michael Vick!

Philadelphia — Fans in this sports-obsessed city were divided over the Eagles’ signing of Michael Vick, but they were united in at least one emotion: shock.
The man paid his debt. He deserves another chance.
Because she couldn't shoot straight

What a country. Let that goofy bitch out of prison because she missed?
We can just continue with the way it is
And they ask, 'why vilify the insurance companies'?
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan has received state approval to increase its rates an average 22 percent for its individual and group conversion product lines. The rates would go into effect Oct. 1.
BCBS of Michigan wanted a 56% increase and had to be talked down to 22%. When it comes to health care ... we're screwed anyway we go. Until Americans buy a fucking clue and realize we don't need to pay insurance companies hundreds of billions of dollars to stand in the way of us and our doctor, we will never solve the problem. Defeat Obamacare-Lite -- Single-Payer, Medicare for All, or stay with the status-quo!
One Month After VJ Day

God Bless America .. and those who made it what it is ...