Why are wingnuts so intellectually dishonest? Well, that's a rhetorical question - most of us already know why."WingNutDaily and the right-wing fringe are very excited about their scoop that Orly Taitz has "released a copy of what purports to be a Kenyan certification of birth" for President Obama.
...The document posted by WND purports to have been produced by the "Republic of Kenya" on February 17, 1964. But Kenya didn't even become a republic until December 12, 1964."
Take Chickenshit as an example; he truly epitomizes pathological liars. He still claims that he didn't vote for Bush in 2004 (he sheepishly admits to 2000 when 75% of the damage was done) which would make him the only person in America to have four lawn signs in his front yard for the candidate he didn't vote for!
And that stink spreads like a pigpen in August, too. I remember Chickenshit's pitiful, horrid and feminine 'partner', 4Punk, actually used to frequently link to WND as if they were a legitimate source.
I guess if you've never had any integrity, you don't develop it later. But, in fairness, they're not just liars, but pathetically dumb and gullible as well. They all swallow that WingNutDaily stuff whole. After all, it's what makes them who they truly are.
Media Matters
Addendum: Hat tip to Keith Olbermann. The phony birth certificate states Obama was born in Mombassa, Kenya on Aug. 4, 1961. The problem? "Mombasa was part of the state of Zanzibar until 12 December 1963 when it was ceded to be incorporated into the newly independent state of Kenya."
Give it up, assholes.
Addendum II: Are there really two people in the world who spell intelligent, 'intellegent' (sic)? No, there can't be. That's exactly what I mean by, 'pathological'. You might as well use, 'ltrfyc', Chickenshit. LOL!