Walter Cronkite, two days before Bush invaded Iraq
It can't get anymore comical than listening to cowards questioning Walter Cronkite's foresight or patriotism.
If we had left in 1968 when Cronkrite first spoke out, 34,000 less Americans would have died in Viet Nam. If we had listened to men like him in 2003, 4,327 Americans would not have needlessly died, 37,500 would not have been wounded, and our "grandchildren's grandchildren" would not be stuck with its $3 trillion tab. And our economy would not be in the situation it's in today.
He was right about Viet Nam, just as he was about Iraq. And now they pathetically whine like babies because of it.
They are mostly scared, weak and chickenshit chickenhawks, who have never done anything for our country, and they comically criticize a man like Walter Cronkrite. But, we expect that from cowards, don't we?