I'll bet you 10 bucks right now, their guy here, James von Brunn, is a big fan of Rush Limbaugh - listens to him religiously everyday.
Update: See, they're both 'birthers'. Where's my $10?
And by the way, for those in denial, or just going insane; that birth certificate was validated a long time ago. Get a life.
Updated update - 1830 6/11:
"You want my weapons -- this is how you'll get them. The Holocaust is a lie. Obama was created by Jews. Obama does what Jew owners tell him to do. Jews captured America's money. Jews control the mass media. The 1st Amendment is abrogated --henceforth."That's the note left by James Rush von Brunn - a decades-long avowed white supremacist - who's really just pretending that he's not a big supporter of the new Black guy in the White House and who is actually a 'leftist'.
Yeah sure, sheep. And Hitler was really a commie, who just couldn't help but kill 20 million of them.
Updated update - 0830 6/13 - He is a 'leftist'?
LIBERALISM/JEWRY/MARXISM was the formula used by Woodrow Wilson, and Franklin D. Roosevelt, both Democrats, to betray their nation. - Page 13