Uh ... Prague Spring happened in 1968 - when Ronnie Reagan "had just completed his first year as California’s governor" ...
But Hannity just nods. And the sheep wonder why they're so stupid ...
Finally coming up for some air

“We’re digging ourselves out of a deep hole,” Boehner admitted. “We took it in the shorts with Bush-Cheney, the Iraq War, and by sacrificing fiscal responsibility to hold power.”
For eight years Boehner and millions of the phony-ass conservatives had their heads buried in George W.'s ass while he destroyed this country and now they act like they weren't willing participants. Buried so deep it's a miracle they're still able to breathe.
Another interesting headline ...
"Obama's Doctor Knocks ObamaCare"
But, what does 'Obama's Doctor' want for healthcare?
"Scheiner thinks that a good health reform would be "Medicare for all," a single-payer system where the government would cover everyone and pay for it by cutting out waste in the system."That was Obama's plan for health care reform before the insurance lobby got to it.
Shut the fuck up!
'Some Israelis Insulted By Obama Picture'

"Israeli TV newscasters Tuesday night interpreted a photo taken Monday in the Oval Office of President Obama talking on the phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as an "insult" to Israel."
I bet they won't be insulted when Obama sends them their yearly $6 billion welfare package!
Cut the goddamn cord!
Rusty, you might think twice ...
Neanderthal-looking hillbilly affirms evolutionA high-ranking South Carolina Republican activist has issued an apology after comparing First Lady Michelle Obama to a gorilla. Rusty DePass, a former chairman of the Richland County Republican Party, made the comments in a friend’s Facebook status update line after a gorilla was reported to have escaped from Columbia’s Riverbanks Zoo. According to FitsNews, the status line read: “I’m sure it’s just one of Michelle’s ancestors — probably harmless.”
Easy to tell who that asshole's 'ancestors' were.
I don't remember hearing that ...
'Obama's Air Force One flight to Chicago and back Monday to cost $236,000'As President Barack Obama flies Monday to Chicago for a midday speech on health-care reform, the round trip on Air Force One will run about $236,000, according to government estimates of the operating costs for one of the top symbols, and perks, of the presidency.
I can't remember the press ever questioning the costs of a president's travel? Forget for a moment that this trip to Chicago was business, let's just look at former presidential 'leisure' time. George W. Bush flew to his Crawford ranch 77 times and to Camp David, 149 times! He was so fucking lazy, and expensive, he crushed even Ronald Reagan's record!
Wingnuts want to compare expenses, bring it on!
Calling a slut a slut is good for business
'Letterman Rises in the Ratings'In preliminary national ratings, Mr. Letterman pulled in 700,000 more viewers than Mr. O’Brien Monday night, 3.9 million to 3.2 million, his biggest margin yet over his new competitor. Mr. Letterman routinely trailed the former “Tonight” host Jay Leno by a million viewers or more.
Okay, okay, I didn't think Letterman's joke about Palin's daughter was cool, but his line that she has that, 'slutty flight attendant look', (it only made #2 of his top 10) was right on the money!.
Pay up chump!
ST. PAUL, Minn. - Republican Norm Coleman must pay Democrat Al Franken $94,783 to cover court costs for his appeal of Minnesota Senate election results.
Justice ...
Liberal media, my ass!
Washington Post fires Dan Froomkin
"One of the rarest commodities in the establishment media is someone who was a vehement critic of George Bush and who now, applying their principles consistently, has become a regular critic of Barack Obama -- i.e., someone who criticizes Obama from what is perceived as "the Left" rather than for being a Terrorist-Loving Socialist Muslim. It just got a lot rarer, as The Washington Post ...just fired Dan Froomkin." - Greenwald
Who does that leave at the Washington Post - Charles Krauthammer, Bill Kristol, George Will, Jim Hoagland, Michael Gerson and Robert Kagan? Liberal media my ass!
Remember to head for the kitchen!Floating in the middle of the Atlantic, this galley kitchen is the latest piece of Air France Flight 447 to be recovered by salvage crews. The wreckage is extraordinarily intact despite being part of an plane that experts believe broke apart in midair. Even some of the drawers, containing a selection of ready-meals for passengers, remained wedged securely inside the unit.
Oops, our bad ...
'CIA Mistaken on 'High-Value' Detainee'
An al-Qaeda associate captured by the CIA and subjected to harsh interrogation techniques said his jailers later told him they had mistakenly thought he was the No. 3 man in the organization's hierarchy and a partner of Osama bin Laden, according to newly released excerpts from a 2007 hearing. "They told me, 'Sorry, we discover that you are not Number 3, not a partner, not even a fighter,' " said Abu Zubaida ...
... George W. Bush described Abu Zubaida in 2002 as "al-Qaeda's chief of operations." Intelligence, military and law enforcement sources told The Washington Post this year that officials later concluded he was a Pakistan-based "fixer" for radical Islamist ideologues, but not a formal member of al-Qaeda, much less one of its leaders.
And get a load of this! Abu Zubaida is the other guy - along with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed - that Bush & Co. claimed waterboarding prevented the bombing of the Library Tower in Los Angeles.
You know, it's a shame. If the wingnut sheep weren't so pathetic, they'd actually be embarrassed.
Happy Father's Day!
... And, Summer Solstice