And of course, this isn't the first time during the past week that the CIA has proven they're not good at getting their dates right. Former Senator Bob Graham embarrassed them -- and got them to correct the record -- when they lied about him attending four briefings and he proved to them they were wrong on three of them. And yesterday, Congressman David Obey of Wisconsin caught them in another lie.
As I said before, if you're going to be a liar, you really need to get your dates straight.
I have to laugh when I hear the phony-patriots whine that the, 'CIA doesn't lie'. What a bunch of damn sheep! That's what the CIA does for a living, morons!
How you can tell they're a 'conservative'(sic)
I have to share this hilarious episode that was on Hardball last night. It's a classic example of the depth of thinking that goes on in the mind of a wingnut.
Chris Matthews had Congressmen Dana Rohrabacher, R-CA and Jim Moran, D-VA on debating climate change. In his argument that global warming isn't man-made Rohrabacher at least twice said the proof was that Greenland was green just a thousand years ago and that it changed due to 'natural' climate change. That fucking idiot thinks Greenland was named Greenland because it was once 'green'.
Who out there, besides a whole lot of ignorant wingnuts, didn't learn in elementary school why Greenland was named Greenland?
It wasn't because it was 'green'.
And that's one of the leading deniers on the subject.