Hey Republicans, it's only been three months - what the fuck, do you have amnesia, or what? You got your asses kicked for a reason."So let me be clear: Those ideas have been tested, and they have failed. They've taken us from surpluses to an annual deficit of over a trillion dollars, and they've brought our economy to a halt. And that's precisely what the election we just had was all about. The American people have rendered their judgment. And now is the time to move forward, not back. Now is the time for action."
I don't remember any Republicans standing up in the House or Senate objecting when George W. Bush took our huge surpluses left for him and turned them into immediate massive deficits. Not one Republican objected when Bush borrowed more money than all 42 presidents before him. I don't remember punks like Lindsey Graham or any Republican speaking up while they added well over $5 trillion to our nation's debt. I don't remember when Republicans controlled everything, and fucked everything up, them asking for Democrats' opinions.
President Obama won in a landslide. The electoral vote was 365-173 - more than two to one! Democrats won eight more Senate seats and 23 in the House.
You had your chance and you screwed our country royally. We tried it your way and we will have to pay for your incompetent and miserably failing asses for decades.
Shut the fuck up! You left Obama, and us, with a HUGE mess and it needs to be cleaned up.