“I remain concerned about wasteful spending that might be attached to the tax relief,” Boehner said. “Simply put, we should not bury future generations under mountains of debt.” - Comedian and House Minority Leader John A. BoehnerThese phony conservative Republicans have the audacity to pretend to care about 'future generations' after they and their Boy George just racked up $5 trillion of debt in eight short years for those same future generations?
John Boehner has done nothing but cheerlead and whine like a little bitch the entire eight years of George W. Bush destroying this economy. Eight years that began with a sizable budget surplus and a $5.7 trillion debt but is now a $1.2 trillion budget deficit and $10.7 trillion debt.
Great job 'conservatives' (sic)! If you weren't so pathetic, you'd be hilarious.