Thursday, January 08, 2009

Why are the phony conservatives all of a sudden worried about deficit spending?

George Bush and his 'conservative' accomplices signing legislation that ended up costing this country $5 trillion
“I remain concerned about wasteful spending that might be attached to the tax relief,” Boehner said. “Simply put, we should not bury future generations under mountains of debt.” - Comedian and House Minority Leader John A. Boehner
These phony conservative Republicans have the audacity to pretend to care about 'future generations' after they and their Boy George just racked up $5 trillion of debt in eight short years for those same future generations?

John Boehner has done nothing but cheerlead and whine like a little bitch the entire eight years of George W. Bush destroying this economy. Eight years that began with a sizable budget surplus and a $5.7 trillion debt but is now a $1.2 trillion budget deficit and $10.7 trillion debt.

Great job 'conservatives' (sic)! If you weren't so pathetic, you'd be hilarious.