Thursday, January 15, 2009

Being focused, and no more diversions

Obama: "Capture Or Kill" Bin Laden

"We took our eye off the ball when we invaded Iraq. And now it's done. My job is to withdraw in a responsible way from Iraq and stabilize the situation there. But our real focus has to be on Afghanistan, the border regions between Afghanistan and Pakistan. And we have to put as much pressure on them as possible. I've already, you know, spoken to my national security team about how we're going to do that. And I'm confident that we can keep them on the run, and ensure that they cannot train terrorists to attack our homeland. That's my number one priority as President of the United States."
After eight years of miserable failure, our country is grateful to have a man of integrity as its president who will get us out of our historical blunder in Iraq and get us back to the mission of bringing those responsible for 9/11 to justice.