Monday, December 15, 2008

Change the Senate filibuster-
Now that's a great idea!

"If the Democratic Party intends to get serious about governing, it can start by disabling the Republican filibuster that gives the minority party in the Senate a virtual veto over anything it wants to kill. The chatter in Washington assumes that since Democrats failed to gain a sixty-seat majority, there's nothing they can do. But that's not true. Democrats can change the rules and remove a malignant obstacle from the path of our new president. Given the emergency conditions facing the nation, why should Mitch McConnell and his right-wing colleagues get to decide what the Senate may vote on?

... The last time the Senate changed the cloture vote threshold to overcome a filibuster was in 1975, when the Democrats reduced it from sixty-seven to sixty votes.... "
Senate Democrats need to grow a pair and change the filibuster threshold to 55. The soundly beaten Republican minority deserves even less.

"Stop Senator No", by William Greider at The Nation