The preliminary vote count shows Coleman holding 1,211,590 votes to 1,211,375 votes for Franken and 437,404 for Independence Party candidate Dean Barkley. Coleman’s lead of 215 votes equates to .007 percent out of the nearly 2.9 million total votes, with the first-term incumbent at 41.99 percent, Franken at 41.98 percent and 15.16 percent for Barkley. A hand recount is required by Minnesota law in any election for federal or state office in which the margin is less than one-half of 1 percentage point.
The recount is scheduled to begin Wednesday and will be carried out at an estimated 120 sites around the state, according to Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie. Daily recount updates will be available on the Web site of the office of the secretary of state beginning 8 p.m. central time Wednesday. - Continued at CQPolitics
Now that Minnesota's Republican governor, Tim Pawlenty, has admitted that he and Fox News shamelessly perpetuated the bogus myths of Franken and Democratic shenanigans after the election, we can ignore the obstructionists' bullshit and let the recount begin.
How does Senator Al Franken sound?
Boy that just chafes the asses of wingnuts!