Friday, October 31, 2008

Why would Wall Street back the 'socialists'?

Workers at Top Wall Street Firms Give Millions More to Dems

According to the Center for Responsive Politics Web site, out the top 25 political contributors for the 2008 election cycle, nine were Wall Street banking or investment firms, including the now defunct firm Lehman Brothers. Employees at eight of those nine firms gave more money to Democratic candidates – nearly $17 million to Democratic candidates versus only $11 million to their Republican counterparts. That’s 60 percent for Democrats to only 40 percent for Republicans.

Four of the top six overall donors are Wall Street financial firms participating in part of the recently passed $850 billion bailout – Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS), Citigroup (NYSE:C), JP Morgan Chase (NYSE:JPM) and Morgan Stanley (NYSE:MS). Employees of those firms gave $10.4 million to Democrats and $6 million to Republicans or 63 percent Democrat. Employees of bank Goldman Sachs alone gave $3.6 million to Democrats and $1.3 million to Republicans, a nearly 3-to-1 ratio.
Barack Obama plans to raise the top tax rate back to what it was when Bill Clinton left office.

Wall Street executives and employees remember very well how things were eight long, long years ago when the DJIA was 1,250 points HIGHER than it is today.

They're not stupid, but you sure are if you're not voting for Obama.