Since John McCain opted to finance his campaign with your tax dollars, how do feel about spending $14,000 for his make-up over last two months?Remember last month when Republican presidential nominee John McCain got made up by the American Idol make-up artist?
Well, it wasn't a one-shot deal. The make-up artist to the wannabe-stars is getting paid beaucoup bucks to make McCain, 72, more telegenic.
Tifanie White, who reportedly has done makeup for the shows "So You Think You Can Dance" and "American Idol," was paid a total of $8,672.55 in September by the McCain-Palin campaign, according to the campaign's latest monthly financial report filed this week with the Federal Election Commission. She was paid $5,583.43 the previous month, records show.
Once again I'll ask the question. Can you imagine if the tables were reversed and Barack Obama had spent $14,000 in taxpayers' money for make-up?
And of course, Obama isn't spending your money. Unless you freely donated it to him.
Come on wingnuts, tell us what you think about your boy being such a wimp.
And talk about nailing wingnuts!! Our good friend, Dum Pendebat Filius, ruthlessly savages wingnuts in a way that only he can on a previous bogus story on Michele Obama from the NY Post that wingnuts fell for.